Seniors Share Their Best Advice for Freshman

Every year, another class of freshmen enters the world of high school. Freshman year can be a difficult and confusing time, as everything in life seems to change. Your first year of high school is a clean slate — this, of course, can be daunting. Below are some tips to make your high school experience go as smoothly as possible.

  1.   Focus on schoolwork. What you may not know is that colleges can see your grades all the way from freshman year. Your grades are very important by the time you reach senior year. While you do have four years to get your GPA up, it’ll be less stressful towards the end if you have a solid foundation right from the start. Do your homework, study and read — it’ll pay off in the long run.

“Take your grades seriously,” senior Teana Motoyama said.It’s hard to make a comeback, and it’s not fun to be behind in all of your classes.”

  1.  Participate. This word spreads around all too often, but it rings with truth: participating in events will make your high school experience more fun and diverse.

“Attend school functions, because you’re probably going to regret not going later,” senior Taylor Macoviack said.

You only have one chance to be in high school— take full advantage of all the activities that are being planned for you. Organized sports and clubs are always right in front of you.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things!” senior Taylor Nobriga said. “School isn’t just about grades. Join a club or sport. Do what makes you happy and find something you’re passionate about.”

  1.  Communicate. Your success in high school is based largely on how much effort you put into it — be sure to be responsible for what you need to learn.

“Don’t be afraid to talk to your teachers and get help if you need it,” senior Brendy Uyeda said. “There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that you don’t understand something.”

Make sure you take full advantage of your Advisory Period and ask questions whenever something is unclear. Look out for yourself and your grades.

  1.  Get a part-time job in your senior year. Having a job has loads of benefits (money) and teaches you so much about time management. It is also a major boost for your resume — it may be more difficult being 18 and having no prior work experience under your belt. Also important: save.

“Save your money!” Taylor Nobriga also emphasized. “Your style is going to change, and you’ll need money for college and hanging out with your friends.”

  1.  Cherish it all. In the end, you’re going to miss freshman year, however bleak it seems right now.

“Cherish these next four years and the people around you because they might not be there for you after high school ends,” Teana Motoyama said.

You are only a teenager once — embrace it. You don’t want to arrive in your senior year regretting everything you never did.  

All in all, high school is what you make of it. Attitude is everything — your experience over the next four years can be anything you want it to be. Have fun, stay focused, and never lose sight of what’s important to you.

And remember — it’s just high school, just four short years. Whatever you do, be good to people, be nice, be responsible. Good luck!


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