Senior Year: Are we really prepared for college?

A view of the Senior Send-Off Assembly for the Class of 2018.

Kaitlyn Tsuha, Student Life

Senior year, the year we’ve been waiting for. However, the end is slowly creeping on us for many in the class of 2019.

It’s only September and counselors and teachers are expecting us to fill out applications for college. Many think that they aren’t prepared for college, but who really is? It may be daunting but, in a matter of eight months, the class of 2019 will be walking down to grab their diploma and off they go into adulthood.

Senior year started off really busy. Many students in the class of 2019 are taking a full schedule in order to achieve Academic honors, STEM honors, CTE honors and even Valedictorian. In addition, seniors who are planning to go out of state are already expected to fill out at least a couple college applications by the start of November. 

The idea that in a matter of eight months, the class of 2019 is going to graduate is something that many cannot fathom the idea of.  

“It scares me when I think about it,” Ashley Pak (12) stated.

For others in the class of 2019, they’ve accepted the fact that, despite being scared, change can be good. 

“Honestly, I don’t think anyone is,” Vu Huy Lai (12)  

In order to prepare for college, many took the early college route, some took it during the school year, others during summer vacation. Katie Zhang (12) is a prime example. By taking early college, it allows high schoolers a chance to grasp how college might be like for them.

“I already took a college class this summer and it’s not that bad,” Zhang said.

The end of high school is inevitable and how students cope varies. Some spend it with friends, others take college level classes to see if it’s really for them.

Are we really prepared for college? Who knows. It’s up to each person to decide whether they’re willing to take the plunge into college.