DOE Superintendent visits Kalani

Kalani Maker Lab. Photo by Kaitlyn Tsuha 2018.

Kaitlyn Tsuha, Student Life

Dr. Christina Kishimoto, superintendent of the DOE, visited Kalani High School on Sept. 11. Students in Maker Lab, a club that builds things out of reusable materials were invited to talk about their python coding and drone team.

Those who met with Dr. Kishimoto were surprised to hear that she’s all about the student’s opinions on how she can make school a better learning environment.

Kalani Maker Club President Vu Huy Lai and Vice President Kaitlyn Tsuha talk with Dr. Kishimoto about the idea of “Student Voice”. Photo by Kaitlyn Tsuha 2018.

Throughout the presentation, the students had mixed opinions about “student voice” as many are waiting for more hands-on learning, and learning that they can use as an adult.

“Student voice is important and I think that it isn’t being heard,” Madeline Villaba (10) stated. “This is due to the fact that half the things we are learning are not really used in adulthood.”

Dr.  Kishimoto talked briefly about how she became a superintendent and how students can improve their education. She said students can get involved and voice their opinions as she will try her best to give students what they ask for.

She informed the Kalani Maker Lab about a $1,00 to $5,000 DOE grant available to Hawaii public high school clubs. 

Visit Kalani Maker Lab to learn more about the program.