Chorus teaches discipline & confidence

Ka Leo Staff, Student Life

Chorus is a year course that teaches singing and performance quality, as well as the importance of practice and self-discipline. It helps to improve student’s vocal capability and self-confidence.

Two second-year students, Amelia Harahap and Javan Montiho, had only positive things to say about the class. The goal is not perfection, but confidence and discipline.

“You learn different types of singing and how to sound better and more confident,” Harahap says. 

In this elective, students don’t get worksheets and aren’t overloaded with paperwork. Students have singing tests to see how well they memorize a song. The grade is based on the student’s tone.

“This class helps with public speaking because it helps me not get scared to talk in front of large crowds,” Montiho says.

Collaboration and group work is also emphasized.

“It also helps us with working with different types of people because sometimes we do small group performances,” Harahap says.

Students say chorus is not a difficult class and encourage even non-musical students to sign up.

“It’s not really graded on how you sound,” Montiho says.