Kalani Freshman Aims to Start Book Club

Azriel Badon

Kalani freshman Leilani Phan reads a book in C-12, Ms. Nasser’s classroom. She is starting a book club at the school, and encourages everyone, even non-readers, to join.

Azriel Badon, News

Efforts are being made to create a Book Club at Kalani High school. Leilani Phan (9),  founder and president of the club, is working to get the club approved by the school admin and is on the hunt for more book club members.

The book club will consist of monthly meetings that discuss a chosen book the members voted on. The club plans to meet in C12, advised by Ms. Nasser. While specific dates and times for meetings are yet to be determined, they will most likely be after school, and on days best suitable for club members.

Phan emphasizes that the book club is meant for everyone and not limited to book lovers. 

“We’re planning on watching the movies after the books and we’re gonna have a lot of fun activities,” she said.

She says her inspiration for creating this club was last year’s COVID quarantine.

“I did a lot of reading and I didn’t have people to talk to,” she said. “I think a lot of people felt that way.”

She encourages others to join the book club.

“Reading is very therapeutic, and can be relaxing,” Phan said. “My goal is to help students be more relaxed, especially teens, and see the value that reading has.”

If you are interested in starting a club at Kalani, here are the steps you should take:

After coming up with what kind of group you want to start, find a faculty member, like a teacher or school administrator to advise your club. 

Then, contact Mrs. Akasaki, the Student Services Coordinator, and get a club proposal form. 

Before turning in the proposal, make sure you have at least five group members, which is the minimum count required for approval.

The last day to get a club approved this year is Oct. 8