Into Nick’s Mind

Riko Yamaki

Nick Au (11) stands in front of the mural he designed and created on the hallway wall between B and C Buildings.

Riko Yamaki, Profile

At Kalani High School, students have noticed some changes. One of these changes is the wall in B Building where student Nicholas Au, a junior at Kalani, has been working hard to create a mural. 

His project all started from a simple sketch in his notebook. During the summer, Ms. Tran-Trimner invited him to create a mural on one of the doors in her classroom. This led to his current project. He started this independent project last year but got to finally work on the mural this year with some help from other students. 

Nick’s idea for this mural is to put his “mind” on the wall.  

I am very drawn to colorful things,” Au says. “I really like colorful things.”

All of Nick’s artwork is a small insight into his mind. 

“I think a lot of people can relate to this,” he says. “It is just a bunch of cluttered ideas, just a bunch of things, just like aspects, pieces of information, concepts. I wanna throw all of that together on the wall.” 

His teacher, Ms. Tran felt that in times like these, a lively mural helps to brighten up everyone’s day.

“I just felt his artwork just brings a lot of happiness and joy like when I look at his artwork,” she says. “It just, I can’t help but smile cause of the things that are in his artwork like you know just look at donuts and like not smile.”

The mural itself features bright colors such as neon green, yellow, and burgundy. It also includes smiley faces, skulls, and various other designs including bubble lettering of Kalani.

His artwork is open to interpretation. Nick hopes it will be enjoyed by everyone in the community.

So be on the lookout for a new work of art to replace the old “Where’s Your Aloha” display in the hallways between B and C buildings.