Summer in Sri Lanka

Steve Dole, Personal Story

This past summer my family and I visited Sri Lanka, an island located in the Indian Ocean, to visit family. While there I realized that Oahu and Sri Lanka have very similar and different characteristics. They are both beautiful islands that are unique and interesting. Their distinctive similarities and differences allow both islands to have their own value.

Sri Lanka and Oahu are both beautiful islands filled with scenic lookouts, mountains, and beaches. Sri Lanka also has a wide variety of natural waterfalls just like Oahu. Some are hard and some are much easier to find. They are both huge attractions that draw a lot of foot traffic.  

Surfing is a popular sport/hobby that’s played in both places. Sri Lanka is a huge attraction for surfing due to the vast waves, so there are a lot of surfing events. Here in Oahu, there is an enormous amount of people that like to surf and find it fun and enjoyable. Sri Lanka and Oahu are both islands with differences and similarities that define their unique characteristics and qualities.

This photo was taken in Sri Lanka by Steve Dole 2017.

Sri Lanka and Oahu are also very different. For one, Sri Lanka is its own country while Oahu is not. English is more widely spoken here in Oahu, while Sri Lankans have multiple languages.

One huge difference is that Sri Lanka is an undeveloped country and is not that modernized and that’s what I believe sets it apart from Oahu. In an effort to become more developed, they are currently building hotels and freeways. Oahu is a much better- looking, modern place compared to Sri Lanka.

When I asked my brother about which island he liked better he said, “I really enjoy being in a new environment because it’s a challenge to get around which is a challenge that I enjoyed doing but Oahu is a better option due to the better education and more modernized look.” Sri Lanka and Oahu are both different in ways that make them very special.

Overall, Sri Lanka and Oahu are amazing islands. They have a lot of similarities and differences that give them both their own “wow” factor. I would recommend going to Sri Lanka if you are willing to explore a new environment that will be out of your comfort zone. It would be a very good experience and you will have a lot of things to do and a lot of places to explore that I assure you, you will enjoy.