Trained therapists at every school

Pandora VanZandt, Voices

Every teenager has bad days and sad moments: some have it worse when they feel sad and negative almost every day; when they can’t pay attention in school and instead stare at that weird-looking piece of gum on the ceiling; when they think about their family and friendships and think about who said what so much that they’re not able to get any work done.

Mental disorders are common among adolescents; having trained, in-school therapists at every school would benefit their mental health.

Drawing titled “Her World” by Sofia Garcia in graphite.

The State of Mental Health in America claims that 63% of youth suffering from major depression do not receive any mental health treatment because they cannot afford it. Some teenagers cannot afford therapy and therefore cannot get the professional help they need. Having therapists in school would allow more students to have the option to talk to someone about what they’re going through for free.

Many students aren’t motivated enough to focus in class, and their grades slip. Suppose schools want better academic scores and more students with higher GPAs. In that case, they should address problems related to how students feel. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says, “Poor mental health in adolescence is more than feeling blue. It can impact many areas of a teen’s life. Youth with poor mental health may struggle with school and grades, decision making, and their health.” Having in-school therapists could be the solution where everyone wins. Students may feel more comfortable sharing with a professional therapist, motivating them to do their schoolwork and focus. As a result, the school’s academic scores would go up.

Not only will having in-school therapists help students in school but also out of school. Therapists in school could help reduce the stress and trauma in many students’ lives so that they would feel comfortable on campus and at home, and in public with their surroundings. In the end, having in-school therapists could save a student’s life.

Although, we have to acknowledge that some students might not want to take advantage of it even if it’s there. It may be because they don’t feel comfortable sharing with total strangers or don’t want the therapists to report back to their parents. This could make having in-school therapists useless and expensive. Even though these statements are factual, knowing someone is available to talk to who will understand you is better than feeling unmotivated and powerless.

We don’t know if in-school therapy would solve students’ mental health issues one hundred percent of the time. Still, it’s worth a try, and it’s a productive step towards understanding students and their emotions.

In-school therapy could save lives.