Distance Learning’s Mind, Body, Falcons Program

Lauren Vierra, Student Life

Mind, Body, Falcons Program is the Kalani Athletic department’s newest brainchild. Marissa Fukunaga and Ben Kuenzli implemented the program this quarter to address health concerns during online learning and it will run to Christmas Break.

The program is a collective of three days: Motivation Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, and Fitness Fridays. 

Monday provides weekly motivational tips and challenges.

Wednesday gifts the option of consultation; the athletics trainers are here to help with any injury or health-related concerns and questions. 

Finally, Fridays offer a fitness component in which the trainers host a 30-minute workout based on bodyweight (no weights needed).

If you exercise on your own, you can log your workout for points! So if you’re out there hiking, jogging, swimming, or surfing for at least 30 minutes, CLICK HERE to submit.  

Mind, Body, Falcons Program brought to you by the Kalani Athletic Directors.

In hopes to “promote personal and community health” Fukunaga said the program is designed to support students and faculty throughout distance learning.

Fit Fridays will encourage students and faculty to get away from the cold, distant glow of electronics and give the Kalani community an outlet for physical energy.

“I donʻt know if this program is worth writing about quite yet,” Fukunaga said, laughing. 

However, Kalani is a collective and we should all support each other.

Donʻt miss out on the Falconʻs Mind and Body program! Here’s a link to the program’s events.

Mind, Body, Falcons Program brought to you by the Kalani Athletic Directors.